"Beware the Green Menace!" Cue Dramatic Music
Some of the most significant mysteries regarding Al Qaeda may not involve bin Laden's perennially vague whereabouts, the latest purported Al Qaeda message broadcast on Al Jazeera or the nature of Al Qaeda's purported evolution from an organization per se to an ideology. They may involve questions regarding the very authorship of Al Qaeda. They may involve questions much closer to home.
It is well known, if widely ignored and explained-away, that Osama Bin Laden was one of the CIA's mujahideen "Afghan Arabs" that it used to battle the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s. As late as July 2001, two months before 9/11, the CIA was publicly in contact with Osama Bin Laden when he was a patient at the American Hospital in Dubai. The supposed estranged nature of Osama's relationship with his Saudi relatives has been doubtful at best. His 9/11-confession tape is readily questionable.
But if the conventional picture painted of Al Qaeda as America's desperate and implacable enemy is questionable, then what exactly is Al Qaeda? Well, the first problem, perhaps, to get out of the way is the black vs. white matter. In other words, an underlying assumption in debates (such as they are) regarding the Official vs. the competing 9-11 conspiracy theories is the idea that Al Qaeda is our sworn enemy in a straightforward way and it committed 9-11 or the U.S. government really orchestrated all these things and Al Qaeda is not a real enemy. But Al Qaeda can be real and something else altogether at the same time. What should be kept in mind is that in the world of covert operations, up is down, black is white - it is a virtual not-so-funhouse of mirrors. The point is that Al Qaeda, or especially its smaller lights and foot soldiers, may in fact be very serious about being an enemy of the United States and all things non-Islamo-fascist at the very same time that the organization or many of its cells may in fact be controlled by Western (including U.S., British, German, Italian, and Israeli) intelligence agencies. That Al Qaeda is now more diverse, and, some say, nearly an ideology as opposed to a centralized organization, would only make it easier for covert operators to manipulate enough of it to shape perceptions as well as events and trends.
This notion of Al Qaeda's realness being taken at face value and thus used as proof in itself of the non-U.S. government authorship of 9-11 is not only promoted by the usual suspects in the illiberal media, but also by self-described leftist critics of the going order. For instance, in the October 2007 issue of Z Magazine, Alternative Radio host David Barsamian spewed discredit on the 9-11 truth movement, thus:
There are certain what I hesitate to call schools of thought in the United States, Canada and elsewhere that say that it was not bin Laden and al-Qa'ida that carried out the attacks on September 11. Is there any doubts in your head that it was, in fact, bin Laden and al-Qa'ida?
To which his interviewee, Abdel Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of the London-based Arabic daily newspaper, Al-Quds al-Arabi, replied:
From day one I said it is most likely the work of al-Qa'ida because I knew they were planning something really big (…) all the indications are clearly that al-Qa'ida did it.
Notice how "Al Qaeda did it" is conflated with "Al Qaeda did it all by itself from a cave in Afghanistan." Barsamian failed to mention, if he is even aware of it, that the evidence shows that al-Qa'ida is certainly connected to these things, but that the reality of Al Qaeda as advertised and to whom and what it is connected are the relevant questions. However, with one smarmy sweep of his hand, Barsamian has dismissed all of the evidence that Al Qaeda is in fact fake (in that it is connected to and manipulated by Western intelligence and police agencies) AND guilty of terrorism. This sort of either/or-ism is part and parcel of the mainstream (and leftist) dismissals in defense of the Official Conspiracy Theory. But in fact it is a form of stupidity that should be self-evident to the reader.
Al Qaeda, 'the base', (or, 'the toilet', according to some sources, perhaps half seriously) is the Arabic name given by western intelligence agencies to a computer database of Jihadis trained and armed by the United States and its allies to fight the Soviets in the 1980s. The former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, revealed this in July 2005. A month later he passed away unexpectedly.
A database?!
Emad Ali Salem, a former high-ranking Egyptian military intelligence officer and FBI informant, facilitated the Al Qaeda-authored1993 World Trade Center, providing safe houses where plans were made and bombs manufactured. He also provided weapons to the plotters. The FBI knew well in advance that the plans were active and the bombs already made.
Ali Mohamed [pdf] a former Egyptian army major, has been an active co-conspirator in all of Al Qaeda's terrorist acts (as far as we know), successful and unsuccessful, except for the U.S.S. Cole bombing and 9/11, including:
· The November 5, 1990 assassination of Zionist extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane
· The February 26, 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center
· The June 24, 1993 New York "Landmarks" foiled bomb plot
· The August 7, 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
During much of this time, Mohamed ran an Al Qaeda cell from his Santa Clara, California home. Tellingly, Mohamed has had quite a career working with and for U.S. military, law enforcement and intelligence agencies, including:
· The U.S. Army special forces at Fort Bragg, where he was eventually an officer and instructor in the 1980s
· The CIA as a mujahideen operative. In the 1980s, while he was in the U.S. Army, he took leave to go to Afghanistan to fight as an Islamic Jihadi. In the 1995 trial of WTC bomber Sheik Abdul Rahman it is discovered that Mohamed was able to enter the U.S. through a CIA-controlled special visa program even though supposedly he had long been terrorist watch list.
· The FBI as an informant in the 1990s.
Mohamed was arrested in 1998. As of July 2001, according to Peter Lance's timeline (source for this article), Ali Mohamed was in custody, to be sentenced for a number of crimes (he plead guilty to involvement in the embassy bombings). As of 2006 this U.S. Army Special Forces officer, CIA operative and FBI informant still had not been publicly sentenced and his exact location, and whether or not he was still incarcerated, was unknown.
Undermining the Official Conspiracy Theory further is the fact that on the orders of Donald Rumsfeld, the U.S. military evacuated thousands of Al Qaeda troops and their Pakistani military handlers over the Hindu Kush to the Waziristan region of Pakistan in November 2001. This is the very region that has subsequently been called the new home of Al Qaeda from which it plots more 9-11 level mayhem.
Aside from this evidence of U.S. connections to Al Qaeda terrorists, there is evidence of such connections between it and our allies, Britain and Israel. In 2005 British agents were caught by Iraqi police driving through the southern Iraqi city of Basra dressed like Arabs in a car full of weapons and explosives. Startling, you say? But wait, there's more. When the Iraqis arrested the Brits and through them in jail, the Brits responded by bulldozing the jail with a tank to set the pair free (along with other jailbirds)! Is this the nature of the so-called Al Qaeda in Iraq? Western commandos dressed like Arabs? Sound crazy? Well, it's a crazy world, so get used to it.
There was also the case of Israelis setting up a fake Al Qaeda cell (what other kind is there?) in Gaza a few years ago. The only weird thing, I suppose, is the fact they got caught!
You combine the startling and (to the U.S. and its allies) unflattering facts about the real Al Qaeda (and I have by no means listed them exhaustively) with the highly questionable nature of the official Conspiracy Theory about 9/11 starring a cave-dwelling Osama Bin Laden and 19 Arab hijackers, some of whom lived through the fireballs and tons of cascading concrete it seems, and it becomes clear that the real world is upside-down to our stage-managed perceptions.
Don't let patriotism or the pretense of it render you utterly stupid and without meaningful moral sense. Even if everyone from Bill O'Reilly to Bill Maher, ostensible opposites, rants and raves against "conspiracy theories" involving 9/11, open your mind to the facts. You will be disappointed, yes, and maybe even terrified. But no one said the truth would be easy or fun.